Switching Devices

Professional Switching Device Manufacturer

Switching devices in the switchgear system allow for different functions such as closing or opening currents. Liyond is a trusted switching device manufacturer with more than 10 years of experience. We provide brand-building switchgear component solutions for a safe power system. The competence of our skillful and creative engineers has been proven by numerous switching device patents. Our components are unique, efficient, and suitable for various electrical grid projects.

Can't Find What You’re Looking For?

Liyond has been helping numerous prestigious companies and organizations to customize reliable switchgear components for the last 10 years. Supported by robust productivity and extensive electrical know-how, we ensure your parts are accurately made according to your specifications. Contact experts today!

Extraordinary Performance from Outstanding Products

The quality of our switching devices and our professional services can drive the success of your power grid projects.

The success of your project will be propelled by our capabilities in delivering an efficient custom switching device that works with specific electrical infrastructure. Our team will work with you in gathering the necessary data and translating it into a tailor-made switchgear component, helping you complete your project and orders.

Our qualified engineers work tirelessly on our switching devices’ design and take into account safety of the whole power system. We will make sure that our switching device provides superior protection to your power grid systems. Our technicians are also ready to assist you 24/7 with any technical issues.

We bolster our switching device production capabilities by utilizing a 6S project management. We strictly follow each step to create an optimized balance in manufacturing speed and consistent quality, allowing us to complete large volume orders with a short lead time.

Innovation is at the very core of productivity in Liyond. We use over 20% of our company’s turnover annually for research and development to make sure our technology and components are highly compliant with market needs. Every switching device we offer bears superior qualities and performance.